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A journey twelve years in the making.

Our Story

In the summer of 2009, a group of adventurous souls from all corners of the world converged in London. Little did they know that their chance meeting would spark a chain of events that would take them on an epic journey of discovery.

Fast forward to the summer of 2010, and the group found themselves on the sun-kissed shores of Torrevieja in Alicante, Spain. They laughed, danced, ate, and explored together, relishing in the thrill of new experiences!

But what they didn't expect was the opportunity to sing for locals and have the entire neighbourhood throw a massive street party in their honour! The holiday gang had truly made their mark on the community.

Fuelled by their wanderlust, the gang continued to travel together year after year, visiting locations such as Malta, Croatia, and Greece. And as their love for travel grew, so did an idea for a new kind of travel brand.

Tråvvú was born, with a name that phonetically derived from the word 'Innumerable' in the Indian dialect of Telugu. Reflective of the many people we travel with, the people we've met and those we are still to meet.


The idea, name and even logo was formed, Tråvvú just needed the right moment to take flight.

That moment came in the summer of 2015 when the gang's holiday organiser was tasked with taking 50 people from a local community to the stunning coastal town of Split in Croatia! The trip was a huge success and gave Tråvvú the momentum it needed to take steps towards becoming a thriving travel brand.

Today, the Tråvvú Team organise group holidays to beautiful destinations such as Sicily, the Riviera in the south of France and Marrakesh in North Africa. They continue to refine their vision, always seeking out new destinations and experiences for their fellow travelers.

Their mission? To bring people from all walks of life together in beautiful destinations and support local communities along the way. So join the fun and let Tråvvú take you on the adventure of a lifetime!

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